Archive for January, 2009

Inauguration Day of the certified BabyKiller (Ya ain’t *my* prezident…)

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

Well folks, WELCOME to The Obama Nation: 2009-2012! It’s official… Are you excited? Are you excited for the “change” that is coming, whatever said ambiguous “change” (oldest fucking recycled political slogan in the book) really means in the eyes of the messiah? Buh-bye Bush, make way for the charismatic, Saul Alinsky-trained, neo-Marxist BabyKiller to step in… Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out, kekekekeke…. <Howard Dean>Yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh</Howard Dean>, or not… 🙁

It is truly remarkable in many ways considering how much he contrasts to past presidents… As I pointed out, he’s the first decidedly pro-infanticide candidate for one, no question about it… Sorry, but that is not an exaggeration, a smear, a distortion… Unbelievably, it is the truth. Now, I don’t have a firm position on abortion, I don’t; I’m torn when it comes to hard cases, but I do feel I have a good bullshit detector and know that the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade “decision” was utter bullshit… I also know that when a baby is born after a botched last-minute abortion, and you single-handedly, unilaterally try to block proposed legislation to protect said baby in THOSE particular circumstances, a baby that is outside of the womb, that is SURELY not a “threat to the life of the mother” and is simply left crying on a table to die, etc. but your logic is that because it was targeted for assassination inside the womb, the original intentions must STILL be carried out outside of the womb (to paraphrase his words, “such legislation would burden the original decision”), you ARE an uncivilized fucking barbarian… Yessss, you’re exactly what your 60’s radical friends use to call Vietnam veterans returning home from the war: babykiller(s)! In that context, in THOSE circumstances, it becomes black’n’white, straight-up assassination… It’s not a clump of cells, an embryo, etc. it’s a fully formed human baby taken out with the trash after it dies 10-30 minutes after the fact… Nuff said there. The fact that he was the lone ranger on this, the ONLY one that tried to stop this legislation which later passed unanimously after he left the Illinois State Legislature earns him, in my humble view, official babykiller status! Let him be known as Barack “BabyKiller” Obama throughout his presidency. Actually, I’ll settle for using “President BabyKiller” when I’m not using Barack-Iraq NOT-THAT-HUSSEIN Obama-Osama-YoMama-Alabama…

The other contrast (there are many, but I’ll just note one more) that stands out for me is whereas presidents such as Ronald Reagan fought Marxist-Communists around the world (as well as here at home for that matter), Barack on the other hand is friends with tons of them as I’ve repetitously pointed out, two of which use to engage in a low-level civil war (typical revolutionary douchebags seeking to impose their “utopia” on the rest of us) in the 60’s by planting bombs in various governmental buildings such as Police HQs, the Pentagon, even the Capitol, etc. My God, he works in a place his friends tried to BOMB 40 years ago… Heh-heh, my my how we’ve “changed…” It’s become more and more clear the 60’s freaks and their counterculture values are running the show these days. You would think communist-terrorists would at least be ostracized for their past actions, right? Right??? <Auhnold>WRONG</Auhnold>, Bill Ayers and his Charles Manson-loving wife have been doing quite well for themselves and leave it to the disgraceful and always repugnant Arianna Huffington to give Bill Ayers blogspace over at Huffington Post. I salute her as this permanently discredits her and the far, far ultra-left-wing rag of a website she set up… Birds of a feather flock together has never been more appropriate here. Anyway, the quite influential, yet not well-known, Antonio Gramsci, a late Italian Marxist intellectual would be quite proud today of these “historic” election results… Barack is his boy through and through as has become the democrat party more and more…

So, congratulations President BabyKiller! You won… You did what you had to do: you lied about McCain, you demagogued where needed, you told us McLame was running for Bush’s 4th term but didn’t bother to volunteer the fact that you were kinda running for B.J. Clinton’s 3rd term (weren’t cha?), what with all the Clintonistas you seem to be bringing back into WhiteHouse, even selecting Mrs. B.J. Clinton herself as Secretary of State… Nice… You successfully bought the presidency with the nearly $1 billion that was raised, a feat shattering all previous known records (“fundraising outpaced combined total of Bush and Kerry in 2004 election” – ChicagoTribune). How about that ?? Gotta give ‘im credit where credit is due…

The question now is: What kind of a nation can we expect with Barack-Iraq NOT-THAT-HUSSEIN Obama-Osama-YoMama-Alabama and a democrat-controlled Congress??? In Obama Nation, every time legal bullies such as the ACLU or other like-minded Marxist organizations bring forward a law suit, they WIN! You see, for Marxist radicals, you can’t leave things like that to chance, to honest interpretation of the law, the Constitution, etc. No no no no… You NEED a rigged system, a system packed with lapdogs that always “make the right decision” regardless of what the law says… You NEED to insulate the system from future democratic results and accountability which is automatic with a corrupt judge and a lifetime appointment (much like a bad professor and tenure)… Why limit/restrict yourself to the actual “words” in the Constitution or other body of law when they don’t square with your own personal policy preferences? That’s so outdated… You’ve got an agenda to advance after all and cannot allow little annoying things like decency, honor, rule-of-law, democracy, etc. to stand in the way… Democracy is just a bourgeois dictatorship when the knuckle-dragging redneck/hick/reactionary/throwback majority doesn’t see things your way and you know you’re so much more smarter and enlightened than they are, so FUCK ‘EM FUCK ‘EM FUCK ‘EM in those cases which is what radical, corrupted courts are for!! So, in short, a federal court system packed with Marxist lapdogs ready & willing to make wild decisions, taking activism to a whole new level, will be one characteristic of Obama Nation… Barack “thinks” that the Warren court wasn’t “all that radical” which provides quite an indication of where he’d like to take the strategy of court-packing, one of FDR’s favorites which led to the short-circuiting of the Constitution’s safeguards against federal centralization among many other unconstitutional changes…

NightWolve, you DO know you’re supposed shut the hell up and fall in line as this is a historic occasion, right? I mean, a black man from Kenya fertilized a white woman from Kansas and out came cokehead Barack the BabyKiller who went on to become President, so you gotta recognize the historic nature of this event and do your patriotic duty by supporting and wishing him a successful presidency!!!! OH FUCKING REALLY???? REEAAALLLLY??? Anybody remember that being the drive-by media’s template when Clarence Thomas was nominated for the Supreme Court? No, he was targetted for COMPLETE destruction… A high-tech lynching as he put it… His crime? He would honestly interpret the Consitution and not make up bullshit as he went along (thus a threat to Roe v. Wade)… He was to receive NO BENEFIT whatsoever for being black, so when it comes to ideology, make no mistake, the neo-Marxist Left picks and chooses who is to receive such a benefit when/if he/she is one of “theirs.”

When any republican president was elected, did the democrats, the drive-by media ever wish them a “successful presidency?” Unheard of… You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! The insult to our intelligence is so breathtakingly astounding. It’s the fucking Twilight Zone… Seriously, does anybody remember that when Reagan won? The opposition wishing him a “successful presidency?” How about when Bush the elder won? How about this Bush???? Hahaha, fuck noooooo… The discussion back in 2000 (aside from how the election was stolen) after he won was about wanting, in midstream, to abort/abolish the electoral college because it didn’t produce the desired result, a powergrab for democrats of epic proportions since they control the big cities and such a change would almost guarantee them future wins for decades to come! Always with their situational/ever-evolving ethics!!

No, I’m sorry, but he’s NOT my president and I pray that he fails with most of his policies that I oppose as would any other normal person would OTHERWISE I’D BE A FUCKING DEMOCRAT… I didn’t vote for him and NEVER would or could. I was left with a trinity of choices, that’s right, 3… My choices were writing in 1) Ronald Reagan, 2) Mickey Mouse (yes, my protest votes), or 3) John McLame… I chose option (3) John McLame as the election drew closer… The reasons being (a) I came to my senses thinking about the wild-eyed ACLU lunatic judges that Barack would pack the federal courts with, (b) I liked the Sarah Palin VP pick (Whatever is said about her and the poor interviews that set her back, she’ll always be a better VP pick than Joe “Plugs” Biden, formerly THE dumbest man in the Senate as Mark Levin long ago rightfully labeled him…) and (c) whatever differences I have with McLame, he at least FOUGHT for our country in Vietnam against communists, in contrast with Barack who befriended two 60’s communist fucktard terrorists who BOMBED our country… FOUGHT for our country versus befriending folks that FOUGHT/BOMBED our country… QUITE THE FUCKING CONTRAST AND WINNING ARGUMENT FOR ME!!! Yeah, a real regular FUCKING Bob Hope kind of “patriot,” isn’t he? Uh-oh, wait, is that me questioning his excessive, flag-waving “patriotism” again? Heh, I still remember how he desparately tried to cover up his extensive friendship/relationship with Billy “the bomb-thrower” Ayers and the wife, but the truth came out drip by drip… A far cry from his “he was just a guy in the neighborhood” horseshit defense… Well, sorry President Ba-KillBabyWithA-rack NOT-THAT-HUSSEIN Obama, I haven’t forgotten and never will.

The BARE minimum that I can do is promise to be a tad more respectful than Bush-deranged haters ever were to Bush. That’s about it… Since the neo-Marxist Left has set the bar so low for treatment of a president, it won’t be that difficult to be slightly more respectful relative to what they did (e.g. Bush=Hitler=Madman, allowed 9/11 to happen for political gain, joking about his assassination, making movies about his assassination, etc.). Surely, it can’t be that hard to avoid being the equivalent Michael Moore, Keith Overbite, Al Fraken, George Soros, etc., the hard Left’s favored political hitmen and financiers.

Speaking of the vile Al Fraken, it would appear the thuggish, tax-cheating, political hitman turned radio host has succeeded in stealing the Minnesota senatorial election and thus can add politician to his resume… A new era of “bipartisanship” is surely on its way with a guy of Al Fraken’s caliber… WHAT was Minnesota thinking?? We’re gonna be stuck with him in the senate for 6 years because of some magic ballots that kept appearing and favoring him as the recount was taking place? Good God… This election was such a massacre of epic proportions and I wonder how competitive the GOP can be in the next election…